Why I go Paraben Free

Hey all! As it is breast cancer awareness month, I want to share with you all why I avoid personal care products that contain the chemical preservatives parabens.  Have you heard of them?

They are found in nearly all personal care and beauty products you buy on the high street. In 2011 they were banned in Denmark in products aimed at children under the age of 3 years on the grounds of reproductive toxicity. In fact, Exposure to high levels of oestrogen before or just after birth can be detrimental for male reproductive function. Scary to think many 'nappy creams' contain these preservatives.

All parabens have been shown to bind to human oestrogen receptors and increase expression of oestrogen. Lifetime exposure to oestrogen is among other things, an established risk factor for breast cancer so much so that Breast Cancer UK publicly supports the phase out of all parabens from all cosmetics and products designed to be applied to the skin and supports an extension of EU Article 60 (3), to ensure parabens are, by default, classed as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

We are all becoming more aware of what we are putting in our bodies as food so perhaps it is time to take a look at the ingredients in the personal care products we apply every day to not only our skin but our families bodies too.

For more information see http://www.breastcanceruk.org.uk/…/bcuk-fact-sheet-parabens/

I hope you found this useful.  It is not something I was aware of until a couple of years go, as soon as I became aware I made the switch :-)

Love Ashly xxxxx


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.