Wi-Fi Health Dangers & Radiation Health Effects


Wi-Fi The Dangerous For Your Health ?

As the technology has progressed, the use of electromagnetic products like wireless router are on the rise all around the globe. Along with the facility of this equipment, there are certain dangers attached which cannot be overlooked. We are all aware with the round of discussions on the relative dangers of electromagnetic radiations for a long time, now. But do you know that these convenient Wi-fi routers emit an electromagnetic field that makes your home environment quite close to that of a nuclear field ?

What is EMF ? (Electromotive Force)

All electronic devices emit their own EMFs. The EMF emitted are in different structures depending on intensity, and frequency of the electricity. But if you are exposed longer to EMFs, they can prove hazardous to your health, and well-being. Now, you can imagine how dangerous it is for your own body’s electricity to function well under the interference from all the electrical devices going on in the home-space. Let’s now discuss about the much warned dangers of EMF.

The effects

Damage to electrical system of the body can lead to certain cancers like leukemia, brain tumours, heart disease and fatigue. Furthermore, there are other diseases being linked with EMFs from household items but thorough research is required to be sure.

Why are wireless routers hazardous?

When talking about the most potent electronic devices that can cause massive EMF exposure within your home, wireless routers rank number one. Along with the benefit of no hassle of tangled wires when it’s used, wireless router expels dangerous radiations in your house. Factually speaking, a regular wireless router expels the same amount of radiations as your microwave would do. Here, the intensity is not the question. It’s the scale of the use. Other technological gadgets are turned off after their use while wireless routers are switched on 24/7 within your home making you more prone to EMFs every single minute of your life. In addition, your neighbour’s wireless router signals adds more risk. If you are getting wireless signal of your neighbour’s Wifi on your laptop, then this means that your house is getting infiltration of more EMFs. So, you can well imagine that free WiFi is unhealthy too.

What can you do to protect your house ?

Read on for ways how to protect your home from EMFs dangers. You can abate EMFs overexposure by cutting down the use of electronic devices. For instance, if you are not using any particular electronic device like television, computer, scanner, microwave or other electronics then simply unplug them. Unplugging is key as turning off can still emit EMF radiations. That is quite the same as being ON. Additionally, try to switch back to old non-wireless routers. I know it might be a challenge if you use many laptops to connect with wireless routers but if you are using a desktop computer then it will be easier to make a shift. Furthermore, you can even use printers that plugs into your computer rather than the one that automatically connects electronically. If leaving the wireless router is impossible try to limit EMFs from other electronic devices if they are not under use. Simply, unplug them. Going off wireless routers are highly advantageous to overall improvement of your family’s health. If you can’t do that then limit the EMFs exposure by unplugging other electronic devices to reduce the dangerous electromagnetic radiations from interfering with the electrical chemistry of your body and your family as that can result in serious diseases.


What is EMF - EMF Safety


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.